It’s time to talk about work, P20-style.

If you want someone who can speak confidently, engagingly and insightfully about their area of expertise, then look no further. Melina has this way of breaking down concepts so that listeners just ‘get it’. She’s passionate about her subject and that passion is infectious.
— Gill Moakes, CEO, Business Coach & Podcast Host
  • The DEI conversation you facilitated for the ICSC Next Gen group was the best DEI conversation / learning session I’ve participated in. I’m excited to watch P20 thrive and see how you can positively impact the real estate industry!

    Director of Development, Commercial Real Estate

  • DEI has unfortunately become such a sensitive topic and you do such a great job with removing the anxiety surrounding it.

    Vice President, Commercial Real Estate

  • Your points and prompts were great catalysts to getting the wheels turning in everyone's minds, and sparked really fruitful discussion.

    Director of brand strategy & marketing, Commercial Real Estate

  • "A refreshing take on DEI"

    Vice President, Commercial Real Estate

  • Our conversation was one of the most thought provoking I’ve had since I started the podcast. Your insight around how we can all be part of the change by adopting a P20 mindset has stuck with me.

    Gill Moakes, Host of the Heads Together Podcast


Want to bring some fresh ideas to your event or organization? Melina speaks regularly at industry events, conferences, and corporate retreats on the themes of the changing workplace, equity and inclusion, diversity, and leadership. For more details on her past talks and favorite topics, download her speaker bio below.


Melina is a frequent guest on podcasts related to leadership, women in the workplace, work/life balance, and DEI. Listen to her recent podcast appearances at the links below:

Want to bring a Post-2020 conversation to your event or podcast audience?

Let’s talk.