The Blog
Melina’s Out of Office
A blog about work and all the ways we can make it better.
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Why we should work 20% less
Office moms, toxic productivity, and the inefficiency of “always-on”
The Blog
Subscribe to my newsletter for post updates.
On the obnoxious limits of time.
How out-of-control workloads are driving down profits
On knowing the “right” words.
Ebbs and flows and broken bones
New insights on the Great Resignation.
Adele, professionalism, and the NFL
Zoom fatigue, manterruption, and unclogging our calendars.
On work, love, and macaroni art.
Women, world peace, and the workplace.
Office moms, toxic productivity, and the inefficiency of “always-on”
The cost of ignoring toxic workplaces.
The story of Merlin Mann’s email u-turn.