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Resources for job-seekers

The job search can be rough. We want to help.

From polishing resumes to managing rejection, the job search can feel lonely and frustrating. I’m partnering with a range of experts to provide tips and tools to try and make the process a little less…horrible. Sign up below and we’ll send you the resources as we compile them. (And it’s all free - we just want to help!)

Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered?

Share it with us here, and we’ll do our best to add it to our content queue. You have the option to submit anonymously, if you’d prefer!

I want to make the working world a better place.

I’m on a mission to change the way we work. I believe our organizations can be and do better, and that great leadership lies at the heart of change. You can read more about my story and explore ways we can work together below.

Email me any time at